
Lignum Golf Tee 2 3/4" - Qty: 12
For the Lignum tee wood and plant materials, polymers and natural glue are used.
The elements are cut into micro particles and the micro granules are formed by jet molding machines to an ingenious golf tee and this is why the new Lignum tee is more durable but yet biodegradable.
This is also the reason why greenkeepers are very much in favour of the new Lignum tee compare to PVC tees.
At an average stroke, the clubhead hits the ball with a speed of about 35 m/s.
At contact this speed is reduced by about 6-8 m/s due to friction and resistance.
The Lignum tee also offers more flexibility to increase the ball launch speed up to 20% in comparison with common wooden or PVC tees.